The Male Sexual Experience
Why don’t we know much about the male sexual experience?
We study the mechanics of the penis, how to fill it with blood, how long to go between ejaculations, etc. But we know comparatively little about the male sexual experience. What goes through the head as men navigate their sexual experiences.
The male erotic experience is more complex than the erection or ejaculation. It includes how to navigate their own body, their partner’s body, their eroticism and their partner’s eroticism. And many men are struggling.
As the sexual script is challenged, men are often left wondering what their new sexual role does or should look like. Men are given no guidelines on how to be sexual.
Knowing what these changes in script are doing to heterosexual men’s sexual experience, can help men navigate sex in a healthy, constructive and respectful way.
At NHR, we are looking to help men:
- To be prepared for a modern sexual experience. To know the modern sexual script that honors their own bodies and eroticism and their partners.
- To navigate desire differences in long-term relationships. What makes for good sex in a modern world.
- To understand the elements that create a satisfying sexuality – including understanding their turn-ons, their sexual pleasure and the emotional connection in a sexual relationship.
In order to do that we will need to understand:
- The elements of the sexual script that are changing for men.
- How these elements are changing the sexual desire, arousal and pleasure for men.
- How to the interaction with a partner has an impact on sexual satisfaction.
Why Study Male Sexuality?
Studying male sexuality has far-reaching effects.
- A sense of loss of power can lead some to try to regain their power with force. Sexual violence has been linked to a sense of loss of power.
- A sensed loss of power may also have an impact on sexual desire. Loss of desire or differences in desire in a long-term relationship can influence on the quality of the relationship, and is related to relationship discord, infidelity, and divorce.