Positive Sexuality Resources

For pleasure and wellbeing in sexuality

There has been limited research into pleasure-positive sexuality. Pleasure is key to our well-being, creativity, and quality of life. However, research often focuses on pain and disease, neglecting pleasure.

Below is a list of some of the important research already available in pleasure-positive research, sex research and sexual health education research.

Pleasure and Sexuality Research:

Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., Gillespie, B. J., & Garcia, J. R. (2017). What keeps passion alive? Sexual satisfaction is associated with sexual communication, mood setting, sexual variety, oral sex, orgasm, and sex frequency in a national US study. Journal of Sex Research, 54(2), 186-201.

Klein, V., Laan, E., Brunner, F., & Briken, P. (2022). Sexual pleasure matters (especially for women)—Data from the German sexuality and health survey (GeSiD). Sexuality Research and Social Policy19(4), 1879-1887.

Kleinplatz, P. J., Ménard, A. D., Paquet, M. P., Paradis, N., Campbell, M., Zuccarino, D., & Mehak, L. (2009). The components of optimal sexuality: A portrait of “great sex”. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 18(1-2), 1-13.

Laan, E. T., Klein, V., Werner, M. A., van Lunsen, R. H., & Janssen, E. (2021). In pursuit of pleasure: A biopsychosocial perspective on sexual pleasure and gender. International Journal of Sexual Health33(4), 516-536.

Mosher, D. L. (1980). Three dimensions of depth of involvement in human sexual response. Journal of Sex Research16(1), 1-42.

Werner, M., Borgmann, M., & Laan, E. (2023). Sexual pleasure matters–and how to define and assess it too. A conceptual framework of sexual pleasure and the sexual response. International journal of sexual health35(3), 313-340.

Zebroff, P. (2021). Questionnaire for Turn-on Initiation Preference: Development and Initial Reliability and Validation. The Journal of Sex Research58(8), 1019-1034.

Zebroff, P. (2023). Gender differences in duration and location of erotic touch in mainstream heterosexual pornography. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality32(3), 384-397.

Sex Research:

Arakawa, D. R., Flanders, C. E., Hatfeld, E., & Heck, R. (2013). Positive psychology: What impact has it had on sex research.

Hargons, C., Mosley, D. V., & Stevens-Watkins, D. (2017). Studying sex: A content analysis of sexuality research in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(4), 528–546.

Nimbi, F. M., Galizia, R., Rossi, R., Limoncin, E., Ciocca, G., Fontanesi, L., … & Tambelli, R. (2021). The biopsychosocial model and the sex-positive approach: an integrative perspective for sexology and general health care. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-15.

Pleasure and Sexual Rights & Education:

Coleman, E., Corona-Vargas, E., & Ford, J. V. (2021). Advancing sexual pleasure as a fundamental human right and essential for sexual health, overall health and well-being: An introduction to the special issue on sexual pleasure. International Journal of Sexual Health33(4), 473-477.

Ford, J. V., Corona Vargas, E., Finotelli Jr, I., Fortenberry, J. D., Kismödi, E., Philpott, A., … & Coleman, E. (2019). Why pleasure matters: Its global relevance for sexual health, sexual rights and wellbeing. International Journal of Sexual Health31(3), 217-230.

Gruskin, S., Yadav, V., Castellanos-Usigli, A., Khizanishvili, G., & Kismödi, E. (2019). Sexual health, sexual rights and sexual pleasure: meaningfully engaging the perfect triangle. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters27(1), 29-40.

Hirst, J. (2013). ‘It’s got to be about enjoying yourself’: young people, sexual pleasure, and sex and relationships education. Sex Education13(4), 423-436.

Reichert, T. (2002). Sex in advertising research: A review of content, effects, and functions of sexual information in consumer advertising. Annual Review of Sex Research, 13(1), 241–273.

Books on Sexual Pleasure: 

Kleinplatz, P. J., & Ménard, A. D. (2020). Magnificent Sex: Lessons from Extraordinary Lovers. Routledge.