Frequently Asked Questions

Pleasure Positive Institute

Pleasure Positive Institute research and education is adding to the evidence base of peer-reviewed qualitative and quantitative research of the building blocks of pleasure positive sexuality.

Pleasure Positive Institute is a registered charity that was established in 2022 under the official name of Nurturing Humanity Research Institute Foundation.

Business number: 745653600RR0001

No. PPI is an independent nonprofit charitable organization that focuses on pleasure positive sexual health research.

PPI supports innovative research studies that offer the potential for breakthrough discoveries. These discoveries are changing what it means to live with mental illness. Funding for our grants is focused on four priority areas to better understand and treat mental illness, aiming toward prevention and ultimately cures:

BASIC RESEARCH to understand what happens in the brain to cause mental illness

NEW TECHNOLOGIES to advance or create new ways of studying and understanding the brain

DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS/EARLY INTERVENTION to recognize early signs of mental illness and treat as early as possible.

NEXT GENERATION THERAPIES to reduce symptoms of mental illness and ultimately cure and prevent brain and behavior disorders

The content included on this website is free and available to download for personal, non-commercial use. If you wish to reproduce these items, please see our guidelines below.


  • PPI is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization and does not endorse people, products or businesses. Foundation materials and publications cannot be reproduced in a way that suggests our endorsement of an organization or approach to prevention or treatment.
  • The PPI ‘s logo may not be used without prior written consent detailing how and when it will be used.
  • When using Foundation publications or press releases, please provide proper citation:
    • PPI (year). Title of article/story in italics with no caps. New York.
  • Please e-mail us for all other permissions

Pleasure Positive Institute is a registered charity that was established in 2022 under the official name of Nurturing Humanity Research Institute Foundation.

Business number: 745653600RR0001

Please email us for more information.  with subject line: Referral

You can further our efforts to create equality and sexual health and well-being by making a tax-deductible donation to research today. 100 percent of your donation for research is invested in our grants leading to advances and breakthroughs in positive sexuality research. More details, including an online donation form, can be found on our donation page. You may also donate over the phone by calling us at 778-806-1219 or donate by mail.

Pleasure Positive Institute is a registered charity that was established in 2022 under the official name of Nurturing Humanity Research Institute Foundation.

Business number: 745653600RR0001

If your organization would like to link to our website, please e-mail your request to us with your organization’s name, address, phone number & e-mail address and note what page you plan to link to and where it will appear on your site. We reserve the right to decline any link requests.