QTIP: Questionnaire for Turn-on Initiation Preference

Fill out this short survey and receive your Sexual Initiation Preference immediately!

This survey is anonymous and confidential (see our privacy statement) and should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. The questionnaire has approximately 20 questions that cover your sexual initiation preferences and interests. Feel free to check it out, knowing that at any point you can discontinue without consequence. If you have any questions about it or comments about it please contact Dr. Zebroff at info@artofconnection.org.

You must be 18 to participate. By completing the survey you are agreeing to participate in furthering our understanding of human sexuality.

* This test works best on a desktop, laptop or tablet.

Start QTIP here

I define as:

My sexual orientation is:

My age is: (in years)

My relationship status is:

I have been in my relationship:

I would rate the general satisfaction of my relationship as:

Overall, how satisfactory or unsatisfactory is your present sex life?

Describe the reason you believe your sex life is satisfactory or unsatisfactory:

The way(s) my partner currently initiates sex is:

(How a partner approaches you when they would like to have sex).

I am most likely to "let go" and feel sexually aroused with a partner when:

(rank these in order of what would be most arousing).

Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list in order of importance for you.
  • My lover and I are feeling emotionally connected.
  • My lover is willing to do something for me.
  • My lover is engaged with my mind.
  • My lover's attention is fully on me.
  • My head is clear of distraction and I know I can be fully present.

    QTIP: How would you prefer a lover approach YOU for sex? One way I would get most turned-on, is if my lover would:

    (Think about how you start getting aroused for sex --- transition from your day-to-day mindset to your erotic mindset. How would you would get most AROUSED, when your partner approaches you for sex? If you do not have a partner, imagine the best scenario for you.)

    My lover would...(*)

    Might be nice
    (but not sexy)
    A little sexySomewhat sexyVery sexyExtremely sexy
    'Take charge' of the situation
    Push me with passion (against a wall or bed)
    Rub or press themselves against me (without saying anything)
    Give me deep (tongue), passionate kisses
    Caress all parts of my body (including non-sexual parts)
    Be rough of forceful (in play)
    Kiss or caress my neck
    Act urgent or passionate
    Spend quality time or connect intimately throughout the day
    Arrange a romantic dinner or event
    Describe a particular new sex act we will imagine or do together
    Send me or show me sexy pics
    Make me laugh or laugh easily
    Offer themself to me, encouraging me to "take charge"
    Act genuinely interested in what I have to say
    Take a provocative pose or show me more skin
    Do something genuinely caring or thoughtful
    Clear time and space to enjoy each other
    Engage in an emotional or romantic conversation
    Act submissive or respond to my commands (in play)
    Tease me with seductive language or gestures
    Demand that they have me ... immediately!
    Undress me
    Wake me up with kisses or sexual touch
    Invite me into or lead me into the bedroom
    Touch my back or buttocks
    Forget my lover initiating, I would like to be the one to initiate sex

    A. Please indicate the extent to which you have 'engaged in the behavior' or had 'the feeling' in the past month?(*)

    not at alloncetwice3-5 times6 + times
    1. Had strong feelings of sexual desire
    2. Initiated sex (was the partner who was sexually assertive)
    3. Desired more stimulation after I started to feel sexually aroused
    4. Masturbated to orgasm

    B. How often in the past 6 months did you:*(*)

    5. Engage in sexual activity just because your partner wanted it, that is without really desiring sex
    6. Start feeling like having sex, and then approach your partner to engage in sexual activity
    7. Started feeling sexual desire only after sexual activity began
    8. Go along with sex before feeling sexual desire
    9. Fake it (have sex), til you make it (feel desire).
    10. Engage in sex when my partner initiates, even when I don't feel sexual desire

    How would you rate the degree of your current sexual interest?

    (Interest in engaging in any sexual behavior on your own or with another person)

    How would you rate your current desire for sexual activity?

    (Interest in engaging in any sexual behavior with another person)

    To what degree to you agree with the following statements.(*)

    highly agreeagreeneutraldisagreehighly disagree
    Sex frequently becomes an unexciting and predictable routine.
    Maintaining my sexual interest in a relationship is never difficult.
    I would not stay in a relationship that was sexually dull.
    It takes very little change and variety in a relationship to keep me sexually satisfied.